This was
sent to me by my good buddy Richard Mace. Must be
at least a few months old but it's too good to keep
to myself...
The day I met Steve Perry by JSS...
"Hey folks, here's my 1st official post that has nothing 2 do with Soul SirkUS...oops, it slipped! It's gonna be lengthy so fetch yourself a pot of 'Joe' & read.... I wanted 2 follow suit in what's normally discussed here, JOURNEY, in which I have limited stories/history up till recently since meeting & now working with Neal & Deen. This 1 is about the 1st time I ever met Steve, as in Perry. Recently, especially since the VH-1 Behind The Music, I've heard & read many blasts against Steve which are a bit disheartening...u never want your musical heroes 2 have any flaws &/or 4 anyone 2 talk smack....well, I'm sure this has all been discussed & debated here 4 years. I thought I would share with u all a positive side 2 the man, as I just mentioned above, very often in this business I have been let down by these so-called this case, I wasn't! For years, my influences & inspirations, as a singer have been very apparent 2 those who have followed my career, were/are Steve, Freddie Mercury, Terence Trent D'Arby & Sam Cooke. Listening 2 most of my recent works wouldn't necessarily give u this impression, especially since these guys are not in the same genre/category of music I have been recording through the years, but every once in a while, u hear the little 'isms' from all these cats, the same u most definitely hear in Steve's influence from Sam Cooke. I proudly pronounced Steve's influence on me in many an interview, but moreso on a particular album I recorded in 1990 with a band called Eyes, in which I recorded an a cappella vocal track called 'Somebody 2 Love' (if u have or find the album, u won't find the track listed, it was a 'ghost' track the label decided NOT 2 credit on the album...the song appears at the very end of the CD) which was very much in the vein of Steve & Sam Cooke. In the album's credits, I dedicated the song to my 'influence & inspiration....S Perry & Sam Cooke'. Also around that time (1991), I was producing a young band from Boston called Flesh which featured 2 brothers from the band Extreme (Gary Cherone's little bro was the guitarist & Nuno Bettencourt's older brother was the about the old switcheroo!!). During that time, Nuno was secretly meeting & writing with Steve, who was then compiling songs which would become FTLOSM, even though this collaborative effort did not make the cut. I was out of town when Nuno & Steve were, & 1 evening, they & the guys from Flesh all went out 4 dinner in which the conversation was turned 2 how Flesh were coming along in the studio. They mentioned they were in the working on songs 4 a recent major publishing deal they'd just signed & dropped my name as the person behind the console assisting them with the production. Of course at that time, Steve would have no clue who I was, especially being that I was only 5 years new into the scene & the most popular thing I had 2 date were 2 albums with Yngwie Malmsteen in '84 & '85...again, completely different genre from what Steve would ever put on his turntable (yes, we still had them then!). Now remember, Steve was part of We Are The World, the pop version of USA For Africa...Neal was on the heavy metal version, We're Stars, with Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Dio & yes, Yngwie Malmsteen! In their conversation, the guys mentioned what a huge influence Steve & Sam Cooke were 2 me as a vocalist, so much that I credited them both on THIS particular album. He was so honored by this, someone mentioning him this way without ever meeting the person, he sent a message back with the guys 2 thank me 4 this, Of course, it was a proud moment 4 me that my name was even brought up from the guys, but just 2 know he appreciated it instead of shrugging it off was a compliment right back. Fast forward 3 months later, Extreme were on tour opening 4 ZZ Top in the US, coming through LA, I went 2 the show with the Flesh guys, also having known the Extreme guys, so we could all hang. Backstage, the bassist from Flesh mentioned Steve was there & he would introduce us. During those moments, 1 realizes introductions like this can go 2 ways & the 2nd way...well, u'd rather not meet the person & leave the mystique alone. In my 20 years of singing professionally (4 the record just 2 keep my age in check, I am currently 38, once again the 'baby' in the new band, ha!!), I've never been 1 2 care about meeting celebrities, rock stars, etc., no one person really impresses me so much in life & I pretty much see everyone equally in this world, we all put our shoes on the same way & we all wipe our....u get the picture!!!! But there are exceptions, & the above singers I mentioned as influences, I knew I would love 2 someday meet & thank them 4 the gift they shared but also help mold me so I could 1 day share with others, Steve being 1 of them. So we head towards Steve & right after the 'Jeff this is Steve, Steve this is Jeff...' formalities, Steve jokingly reaches 4 his wallet & said 'So you're Jeff...I think I owe u some money!' as in a payoff 4 the crediting on the album. I found that so cool of him, that he would be so humble, especially after a few times thanking me 4 the credit. After some social gibberish, I asked Steve if there was an address I could send a copy of the CD 2 him so he could hear the a cappella I did as I thought he would like it....he gave me a manager's address scribbled on a napkin & we said so long. Some days later, I'm looking 4 this napkin only 2 find it a shribbled mess in my washing machine! I'd obviously 4gotten 2 remove it from my pants. Fast forward 2 months, I was singing a few songs at an All Star Tribute show 4 the late Randy Rhoads (Ozzy) in LA, walking through the backstage area, low & behold, there's Steve!! I 1st decided 2 see if he remembered me without embarrassing myself, then proceeding 2 apologize 4 not sending the CD & then pry the address of his manager again. Of course he remembered me right off the bat which I then described the washer dilemma & I would like 2 still send the CD 2 him.....he shocked me by saying when he had not received it from me, he went out & BOUGHT it! Once again, very complimentary on the credit there, but then went on 2 say great vocals on the album & he loved the a cappella thing I had done. At 1st, I thought maybe he could just be saying it without having heard a note, but he brought up aspects & lyrics in the song that u can't pretend u know...he definitely heard it....a few times.The only thing(s) that has topped that moment in my life were singing with Queen a few years ago in LA & the birth of my son 16 years ago! OK, now wake up, I'm done!!!! Sorry the story was so long, but the details are still in my head like it happened days ago so I wanted 2 recount it as well as share it all with u....anyone else outside THIS group, I would have been forced 2 offer the abridged version. 4 those of u who made it 2 the end, thanks 4 reading & hope u enjoyed this very human side of Steve that left an everlasting impression on his most ambitious apprentice. I have a feeling the Neal & Deen stories will have more humor involved, u know those guys!"
The day I met Steve Perry by JSS...
"Hey folks, here's my 1st official post that has nothing 2 do with Soul SirkUS...oops, it slipped! It's gonna be lengthy so fetch yourself a pot of 'Joe' & read.... I wanted 2 follow suit in what's normally discussed here, JOURNEY, in which I have limited stories/history up till recently since meeting & now working with Neal & Deen. This 1 is about the 1st time I ever met Steve, as in Perry. Recently, especially since the VH-1 Behind The Music, I've heard & read many blasts against Steve which are a bit disheartening...u never want your musical heroes 2 have any flaws &/or 4 anyone 2 talk smack....well, I'm sure this has all been discussed & debated here 4 years. I thought I would share with u all a positive side 2 the man, as I just mentioned above, very often in this business I have been let down by these so-called this case, I wasn't! For years, my influences & inspirations, as a singer have been very apparent 2 those who have followed my career, were/are Steve, Freddie Mercury, Terence Trent D'Arby & Sam Cooke. Listening 2 most of my recent works wouldn't necessarily give u this impression, especially since these guys are not in the same genre/category of music I have been recording through the years, but every once in a while, u hear the little 'isms' from all these cats, the same u most definitely hear in Steve's influence from Sam Cooke. I proudly pronounced Steve's influence on me in many an interview, but moreso on a particular album I recorded in 1990 with a band called Eyes, in which I recorded an a cappella vocal track called 'Somebody 2 Love' (if u have or find the album, u won't find the track listed, it was a 'ghost' track the label decided NOT 2 credit on the album...the song appears at the very end of the CD) which was very much in the vein of Steve & Sam Cooke. In the album's credits, I dedicated the song to my 'influence & inspiration....S Perry & Sam Cooke'. Also around that time (1991), I was producing a young band from Boston called Flesh which featured 2 brothers from the band Extreme (Gary Cherone's little bro was the guitarist & Nuno Bettencourt's older brother was the about the old switcheroo!!). During that time, Nuno was secretly meeting & writing with Steve, who was then compiling songs which would become FTLOSM, even though this collaborative effort did not make the cut. I was out of town when Nuno & Steve were, & 1 evening, they & the guys from Flesh all went out 4 dinner in which the conversation was turned 2 how Flesh were coming along in the studio. They mentioned they were in the working on songs 4 a recent major publishing deal they'd just signed & dropped my name as the person behind the console assisting them with the production. Of course at that time, Steve would have no clue who I was, especially being that I was only 5 years new into the scene & the most popular thing I had 2 date were 2 albums with Yngwie Malmsteen in '84 & '85...again, completely different genre from what Steve would ever put on his turntable (yes, we still had them then!). Now remember, Steve was part of We Are The World, the pop version of USA For Africa...Neal was on the heavy metal version, We're Stars, with Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Dio & yes, Yngwie Malmsteen! In their conversation, the guys mentioned what a huge influence Steve & Sam Cooke were 2 me as a vocalist, so much that I credited them both on THIS particular album. He was so honored by this, someone mentioning him this way without ever meeting the person, he sent a message back with the guys 2 thank me 4 this, Of course, it was a proud moment 4 me that my name was even brought up from the guys, but just 2 know he appreciated it instead of shrugging it off was a compliment right back. Fast forward 3 months later, Extreme were on tour opening 4 ZZ Top in the US, coming through LA, I went 2 the show with the Flesh guys, also having known the Extreme guys, so we could all hang. Backstage, the bassist from Flesh mentioned Steve was there & he would introduce us. During those moments, 1 realizes introductions like this can go 2 ways & the 2nd way...well, u'd rather not meet the person & leave the mystique alone. In my 20 years of singing professionally (4 the record just 2 keep my age in check, I am currently 38, once again the 'baby' in the new band, ha!!), I've never been 1 2 care about meeting celebrities, rock stars, etc., no one person really impresses me so much in life & I pretty much see everyone equally in this world, we all put our shoes on the same way & we all wipe our....u get the picture!!!! But there are exceptions, & the above singers I mentioned as influences, I knew I would love 2 someday meet & thank them 4 the gift they shared but also help mold me so I could 1 day share with others, Steve being 1 of them. So we head towards Steve & right after the 'Jeff this is Steve, Steve this is Jeff...' formalities, Steve jokingly reaches 4 his wallet & said 'So you're Jeff...I think I owe u some money!' as in a payoff 4 the crediting on the album. I found that so cool of him, that he would be so humble, especially after a few times thanking me 4 the credit. After some social gibberish, I asked Steve if there was an address I could send a copy of the CD 2 him so he could hear the a cappella I did as I thought he would like it....he gave me a manager's address scribbled on a napkin & we said so long. Some days later, I'm looking 4 this napkin only 2 find it a shribbled mess in my washing machine! I'd obviously 4gotten 2 remove it from my pants. Fast forward 2 months, I was singing a few songs at an All Star Tribute show 4 the late Randy Rhoads (Ozzy) in LA, walking through the backstage area, low & behold, there's Steve!! I 1st decided 2 see if he remembered me without embarrassing myself, then proceeding 2 apologize 4 not sending the CD & then pry the address of his manager again. Of course he remembered me right off the bat which I then described the washer dilemma & I would like 2 still send the CD 2 him.....he shocked me by saying when he had not received it from me, he went out & BOUGHT it! Once again, very complimentary on the credit there, but then went on 2 say great vocals on the album & he loved the a cappella thing I had done. At 1st, I thought maybe he could just be saying it without having heard a note, but he brought up aspects & lyrics in the song that u can't pretend u know...he definitely heard it....a few times.The only thing(s) that has topped that moment in my life were singing with Queen a few years ago in LA & the birth of my son 16 years ago! OK, now wake up, I'm done!!!! Sorry the story was so long, but the details are still in my head like it happened days ago so I wanted 2 recount it as well as share it all with u....anyone else outside THIS group, I would have been forced 2 offer the abridged version. 4 those of u who made it 2 the end, thanks 4 reading & hope u enjoyed this very human side of Steve that left an everlasting impression on his most ambitious apprentice. I have a feeling the Neal & Deen stories will have more humor involved, u know those guys!"

RedList project, which was
started in 2001 has finally seen the light of day
with it's exclusive release on iTunes worldwide.
This stunning album of powerful and aggressive
tracks was a new direction for Jeff as he
endeavored to broaden his musical style even
further and embark on what was at the time a very
contemporary sound. Jeff writes: "Originally, these
new songs & style were aimed at a solo
endeavor, a reinvention of sorts, something I
longed to do as well as give me new legs as an
artist". Jeff found two very talented
musicians/songwriters/producers in both Neil
Goldberg & Dave Fraser who he approached to
work on this project. "We slaved on our sound for
about 2 years until the natural evolution of the
industry halted our dreams. Suddenly our sound
wasn't marketable and our only hopes of getting
this stuff out was on an indy level."
Also our
plans in the very near future are to create a new
website promoting the album which will have a FREE
downloadable PDF of the new artwork which will be
provided for those who want to burn their own disc
& make the CD jewel case.
The track listing is as follows and are available on iTunes now!
1. World Today
2. Ain't Your Man video
3. Migraine
4. Swallow
5. Ignorance
6. Mad Reign
7. Higher
8. Kingdom
9. Backstabber
10. Living Proof
11. Believe video
Audio samples, click here!
Warning: Explicit lyrics.
This is a very different direction for Jeff, so turn up the volume, stand well back and be warned, as you are about to witness what high adrenaline music is all about. By the time you reach the melodic tempo of the final track 'Believe' you will realise that you need to remember to breath.
Don't forget to write a review on iTunes.
iTunes is free Apple software, click here to download.
RedList website:
The track listing is as follows and are available on iTunes now!
1. World Today
2. Ain't Your Man video
3. Migraine
4. Swallow
5. Ignorance
6. Mad Reign
7. Higher
8. Kingdom
9. Backstabber
10. Living Proof
11. Believe video
Audio samples, click here!
Warning: Explicit lyrics.
This is a very different direction for Jeff, so turn up the volume, stand well back and be warned, as you are about to witness what high adrenaline music is all about. By the time you reach the melodic tempo of the final track 'Believe' you will realise that you need to remember to breath.
Don't forget to write a review on iTunes.
iTunes is free Apple software, click here to download.
RedList website:

Wrote this one about someone who is supposed to be there for you through thick & thin, like a marriage partner or a lover, but when the chips are down, they just leave you out to dry. This happened to me with someone I worked with in my career.
Nowhere Fast
This also was about someone I thought I could trust & just stabbed me in the back when I turned for a second. I try to write my lyrics in a way that could be adapted to several scenarios, most of them sound like boy/girl situations but they are mostly about other personal experiences, whether they're mine or someone I know of.
Rhyme & Reason
This is the opposite of the 1st 2, it shows the love & trust of one to another can exist without rhyme or reason, just because...
End Of The Line
This is part 2 of 'Falling', this person had a very deep affect on me enough to make me want to write about them... I go to my grave on who its about though.
The 1 I'm Living 4
I wrote this about the fantasy & idea of love at 1st sight...I got the idea from my son & his experiences with love & dating, as we get older, we realise the reality of relationships & just how much is necessary in successful ones but as youngsters, we dive straight in with the fantasy 'it will last forever'.
On My Way
This one is about my dealings with record labels & how they insist you do things 'they're way' instead of expressing creative control. It can also be about a controlling lover in a choose which you like it to be about!
This I wrote about the 15 year anniversary of Freddie Mercury's death. There are a few Queen title references in the song that make it obvious but it is my tribute to one of the greatest artist's of pop music. RIP Freddie.
Succumb To My Desire
I decided to get down & dirty with this one lyrically, it could be Colour My XTC Part II, especially in the talking section where I rip straight from the lyrics of the old tune.
Shed A Tear Goodbye
This song musically was written by Jamie, our drummer, who asked me to specifically write the lyrics about what he was recently going through in his personal life. Since we've all been there before & knowing his personal details, I knew exactly how to treat's about a relationship one takes for granted yet doesn't see it coming when the other finally calls it quits. One of those 'don't know what you got till it's gone' songs.
Troubled Waters
This too is the result of 2 people finding less in common as the years go on. Very often people change like hair styles or fashion leaving relationships or even friendships doomed.
Back To The Feeling
This is about a time I recently went through where I was very close to finally giving up in the music biz. I started losing the incentive to continue & through some inspiring recent contacts & writing partners, found a new confidence to not only continue but to do so with a fervor that had no room for failure... seemed to work.
Wrote this one about someone who is supposed to be there for you through thick & thin, like a marriage partner or a lover, but when the chips are down, they just leave you out to dry. This happened to me with someone I worked with in my career.
Nowhere Fast
This also was about someone I thought I could trust & just stabbed me in the back when I turned for a second. I try to write my lyrics in a way that could be adapted to several scenarios, most of them sound like boy/girl situations but they are mostly about other personal experiences, whether they're mine or someone I know of.
Rhyme & Reason
This is the opposite of the 1st 2, it shows the love & trust of one to another can exist without rhyme or reason, just because...
End Of The Line
This is part 2 of 'Falling', this person had a very deep affect on me enough to make me want to write about them... I go to my grave on who its about though.
The 1 I'm Living 4
I wrote this about the fantasy & idea of love at 1st sight...I got the idea from my son & his experiences with love & dating, as we get older, we realise the reality of relationships & just how much is necessary in successful ones but as youngsters, we dive straight in with the fantasy 'it will last forever'.
On My Way
This one is about my dealings with record labels & how they insist you do things 'they're way' instead of expressing creative control. It can also be about a controlling lover in a choose which you like it to be about!
This I wrote about the 15 year anniversary of Freddie Mercury's death. There are a few Queen title references in the song that make it obvious but it is my tribute to one of the greatest artist's of pop music. RIP Freddie.
Succumb To My Desire
I decided to get down & dirty with this one lyrically, it could be Colour My XTC Part II, especially in the talking section where I rip straight from the lyrics of the old tune.
Shed A Tear Goodbye
This song musically was written by Jamie, our drummer, who asked me to specifically write the lyrics about what he was recently going through in his personal life. Since we've all been there before & knowing his personal details, I knew exactly how to treat's about a relationship one takes for granted yet doesn't see it coming when the other finally calls it quits. One of those 'don't know what you got till it's gone' songs.
Troubled Waters
This too is the result of 2 people finding less in common as the years go on. Very often people change like hair styles or fashion leaving relationships or even friendships doomed.
Back To The Feeling
This is about a time I recently went through where I was very close to finally giving up in the music biz. I started losing the incentive to continue & through some inspiring recent contacts & writing partners, found a new confidence to not only continue but to do so with a fervor that had no room for failure... seemed to work.