RedList project, which was
started in 2001 has finally seen the light of day
with it's exclusive release on iTunes worldwide.
This stunning album of powerful and aggressive
tracks was a new direction for Jeff as he
endeavored to broaden his musical style even
further and embark on what was at the time a very
contemporary sound. Jeff writes: "Originally, these
new songs & style were aimed at a solo
endeavor, a reinvention of sorts, something I
longed to do as well as give me new legs as an
artist". Jeff found two very talented
musicians/songwriters/producers in both Neil
Goldberg & Dave Fraser who he approached to
work on this project. "We slaved on our sound for
about 2 years until the natural evolution of the
industry halted our dreams. Suddenly our sound
wasn't marketable and our only hopes of getting
this stuff out was on an indy level."